Firebird Cafe takes it back with the annual BMX Old School Show, Observatory, Cape Town

Bunnyhop runner up Jason Prins scrapes over the bar to match last year’s record of 91 cm.
Street event featured bunnyhop and longest jump comps and a display of shiny vintage BMX bikes
Words and photos by bluntEd
Firebird’s annual underground celebration of BMX turned into a gathering of the tribe, as dozens of kids on bikes held a quick flatland comp up the road before the jumping madness started. The summer sun baked down but the riders were cool and focused, throwing themselves at the small ramp and pogoing over the high jump like OGs for the stoked crowd.
Matching each other jump for jump until the last hurdle Werner Hendrich won the bunnyhop comp at 92cm, with Jason Prins a hard fought second place. We never caught how long the distance jump was, but it was pretty frikken’ far, more than 4m (they actually didn’t measure it, just drew chalk lines). Firebird’s owner and OG SA BMXer Tobie Groenewald tied with Jason Prins for the longest jump.

Firebird’s owner and OG SA BMXer Tobie Groenewald tied with Jason Prinx for the longest jump, more than 4 metres no one is really sure, they never measured it.
After the comp the riders pulled out the kicker and swung into a series of spin tricks before it got too sweaty and everyone retreated to the shade.
The vintage bike display was also rad, with a great selection of old school bikes shining bright in the midday heat bringing some serious nostalgia. Cape Town BMXer Charles Leedo cruised around on a custom tall bike but drew the line at hitting the jump on that thing and eating hot tar.

Bunnyhop winner Werner Hendrich managed 92 cm in the end (see photo gallery)
“Thanks to all the BMX buds who traveled from all over the country,” posted The Firebird Cafe. “Congratulations to all the vintage bmx collectors who won prizes for their builds this year. It’s always a pleasure seeing guys with so much passion for bmx in one place. Thanks also to the BMX riders who competed in the bunnyhop and distance jump contest. It was a full energy festival of BMX riding.”

: Some of the old school BMX bikes on display.

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BMX bikes at old school Firebird Cafe street event 3

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Firebird Cafe street event Jason Prins
Jason Prins.

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Old school Firebird Cafe street event 6

Firebird Cafe street event Nathan Turbo Van de Berg
Nathan 'Turbo' Van de Berg.

Firebird Cafe street event Jason Prins 3
Jason Prins.

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Firebird Cafe street event Tobie Groenewald distance joint winner
Tobie Groenewald distance joint winner.

Firebird Cafe street event Jason Prins joint distance winner
Jason Prins joint distance winner with a looong-ass 360.

Firebird Cafe street event Jason Prins 6
Jason Prins.

Firebird Cafe street event Charles Leedo
Charles Leedo on his new dirtjumping bike.

Firebird Cafe street event Werner Hendrich
Werner Hendrich, highest jump winner, warms up.

Firebird Cafe street event Jason Prins 7
Bunnyhop runner up Jason Prins scrapes over 91 cm.

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Old school BMX bikes taking us back to the 80s glory days.

Firebird Cafe street event Tobie Groenewald distance joint winner
Distance jump winner Tobie Groenewald.
Check out the Firebird Instagram page for a full clip of the day’s action.
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