Bowl Skating, Community, Creativity, Events, Girls Skating, Live music, Music, Punk Rock, Rock music, Skateboarding contests, Skateparks
Ballito Bowlerama: Skateboarding and punk music come together at ‘Skate Day At The Bowl 2.0’ It’s all going down on the 19th of November at the Ballito Skate Park. Join the Ballito Skate crew for an epic day of punk rock and skating at the bowl. Meet up and hang out,...
Community, DIY skateparks, Events, Ramp skateboarding, Skateboarding, Skateparks, Small town skaters, Venues
Press Release: Stoked locals upgrade Pimville skate park in Soweto with Red Bull DIY Built in 2010, Soweto’s Pimville Skate Park fell into the dilapidated shadow of what it once was, so local skaters took matters into their own hands to revamp it with the help of the...